Lucky Charms: What to Wear for Good Luck

Luck is a weird subject. When it comes to our careers and professional achievements we prefer to think that luck has nothing to do with it. It’s far more comforting to believe that we managed those things on our own, using hard work, skill, and intelligence. Ironically, luck or chance play a major role here. You don’t get to pick where you are born, the financial status of your parents, or even the type of education you get.

However, things that we perceive as luck do happen to us every now and then. We win something or we are fortunate enough to be at the right place at the right time. When these things happen we do try to control that luck. Also when we feel we need to get lucky, we are more prone to believe in old folk talkies and, charms that bring good luck. After all, we have nothing to lose. So, let’s talk about lucky charms and what to wear for good luck. 

Overview of the Belief in Lucky Charms and Their Significance in Various Cultures

Across different cultures, there are beliefs that luck is a manifestation of a higher power. There are also beliefs that misfortune is a manifestation of evil forces. As a result, talismans, trinkets or lucky charms are mystical objects. They can either evoke the power of good fortune or keep misfortune at bay. 

Throughout history, there were all sorts of troubling times. Plagues, wars, feminine, droughts, floods etc. People who are in need of comfort are more prone to superstitious beliefs. This is true even to this day. We often buy lucky charms as souvenirs when we travel, but when we hit a rough patch in life we start to add more significance to them, and even decorate our homes with these ornaments. As mentioned, we do our best to control our fortune.  

Here is a recent example of this. During the pandemic, Andréa Manuel López Obrador, the president of Mexico, gave a press conference while wearing trinkets. These tiny metal charms are often seen in Mexico and it is believed they can bring about divine intervention to those in need.  

How Lucky Charms Have Evolved in Modern Times

Over the years lucky charms evolved into neat ornaments and even jewellery. They still keep their original significance, it’s just that they are made with more style. 

  • The Hamsa – a good fortune charm with ties to both Islam and Judaism. This is a hand with an evil eye that is used to ward off malevolent forces and bring about good luck. Today you can buy it as an ornament for the house or even a neckless
  • The Four-Leaf Clover – From Irish folklore, it is said to bring good fortune, so people are excited whenever they find one, and they usually keep it at home. 
  • The Lucky Cat – An ornament from Japan/Chine, it is said to bring money. 
  • The Horseshoe – It’s a symbol of luck due to a legend in which a blacksmith nailed a horseshoe to the devil’s foot to chase him away. 

All of these symbols are often used as tattoos, or in art. In many casino games like slots, you often see four leaf clover symbol or even a horseshoe symbol. Some gamblers frequently wear these charms because luck plays a major role in casino games. Of course, they don’t leave it up to luck entirely. They thoroughly check an online casino to find the one with best chances to win, based on reputation, payout rate and withdrawal time. They also use bonuses, and all sorts of strategies to improve their odds. However, luck will always be a part of these games. 

Influence of Popular Culture, Fashion, and Trends on Lucky Charms

As stated a lot of these items have a massive cultural and spiritual significance. Even to this day, people are very interested in astrology, positive energy, and other things that comfort them. In other words, they are very interested in wearing talismans, so long as they don’t look weird. 

Jewellers are aware of this and make accessories using lucky charm imagery. In a way, this is marketed as jewelry that brings good luck. In other words, good fortune talismans are now common wearables. The same applies to tattoos. Ancient symbols with deep meanings that are associated with good fortune are a common choice among tattoo fans.  

Examples of Personalized Lucky Charms

People also take great pleasure in personalizing these lucky charms and making them unique and lucky things to wear. For example, someone who finds a four-leaf clover, might preserve it in glass, and then use that glass object on his or her key chain. People who wear bracelets or necklaces with their name plates might also add a Hamsa to turn it into a good luck amulet.

You can also order a specific amulet to be crafted. Many want to combine multiple luck elements, like colours, precious stones or gems associated with good fortune, and mystical symbols. Once again jewellers already have these types of trinkets, but people feel better if they have a unique combination. It feels like it’s their own personalized juju.