Smart Contract Development: Challenges and Opportunities

Smart contracts have been significant for the past five years. But it is actually not a new solution in the world of technology. The introduction to this solution was dated back in 1994 by Nick Szabo.

He is an American computer scientist who invented Bit Gold virtual currency, a decade before the release of the Bitcoin proposal. Ten years later, we still remember that Satoshi Nakamoto showed up to proclaim Bitcoin. Many people suspected that Nick Szabo released Bitcoin under the pseudonym name Nakamoto. But he denied it many times. After all, there is no solid evidence that indicates that he was Satoshi Nakamoto.

Smart Contracts are the child of Nick Szabo’s solution. These have been helping a lot of businesses to improve their business process quality. More and more industries have reserved a particular technology to help them solve problems in their daily business tasks.

If the smart contract development has come across your agenda, you are on the right track. Before going deeper, you will want to know about the basics first.

What is a smart contract?

Contracts with intelligent terms run independently. A decentralised and distributed blockchain network has several code and agreement bits. The code is executed, and all transactions are recorded and irreversible.

The legal system, a central authority, or an external enforcement mechanism are not required to conduct trusted transactions and agreements.

Not only does blockchain technology store digital money.

Szabo defines “smart contracts” as computerised transaction protocols that adhere to contract terms. He wanted to develop digital transaction mechanisms (like point-of-sale).

Szabo says the synthetic asset contract should be utilised with derivatives and bonds. Szabo said this: “To create these new instruments, a variety of bonds and derivatives (such as options and

futures) will be blended. As a result of sophisticated computer software, contracts now include previously complex and costly payment clauses. “

Derivatives were described in obscure terms.Several of Szabo’s books have been utilised in ways previously inconceivable. Derivatives trading involves sophisticated computer systems and intricate vocabulary.

The main benefits of smart contracts

Smart contracts have abundant benefits. However, the significance will be different from one industry to another.

Let’s take a look at the most important nature of smart contract development first.

This solution comes with important properties such as autonomy, decentralization, and auto-sufficiency.

All in all, the participants of the contracts won’t need to hire third parties to administer the actions within the contracts. All are governed by a smart contract which is backed by the particular blockchain.

When an SC is deployed, the contractual parties won’t need to participate in the whole contract process. They just need to meet the requirements which are assigned to them. For instance, if the party is the buyer, they just need to send a certain amount of money as agreed upon.

In this case, the smart contract management was already a good solution in the beginning. As long as the smart contract works 100%, the job will be done without any intervention from the middlemen or other third parties.

The smart contract role is solely to create the framework that governs the exchange and relevant actions between two parties or more. All of these actions will be executed when the conditions are met, without any significant intervention.

The detailed result

The smart contract won’t miss a single thing to record on the blockchain. The omission is not an excusable option for it. So, all of the data will be kept safely, reducing the risks of transacations errors. All is done automatically.

Transparent data and information

These contracts must be visible and accessible to all of the contractual individuals or groups. Once the contract is established, there is no way to tamper or modify it for malicious purposes. All parties will get help with the transparency of the transaction.

Since the information is presented in detail, there is a very tiny gap for misunderstanding. Smart contracts will definitely improve communications between the involved parties.

Fast response

We must be familiar with the problem of centralized finance. It takes a long time to finish the transactions because there are intermediaries who are administering the transactions. The defi smart contract development eliminates the existence of a third party. Then it is great to proceed.

High level of security

If you are relying on INC4 to work on your business smart contract, you will really get the best value for your money. The developers won’t only provide an effective SC solution, but also a high level of protection.

The Green movement

You can say goodbye to the paper invoices and other transactions that require cutting trees in the forest. In fact, many international businesses have become friendlier to the natural environment. By using a smart contract development, there is no need to use paper. And you won’t need to cut the trees anymore.

Some catches

Experts in distributed block chain and register technology are addressing the problems of intelligent contracts. One major problem is that every software has faults.

Open source code for some of the more advanced contracts allows hackers to harm other users. The DAO hacking incident resulted in a $150 million loss (in ethers).

The Ethereum community was forced to retrace every transaction on the Ethereum blockchain in order to verify that the hacker had lost his boat and that all other victims had received their stolen ethers.

In light of blockchain immutability, the need to preserve law and order as well as make moral and public decisions is reflected.

In an emergency, a new type of governance based on block chains and smart contracts may be implemented. While others feel that the Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency ecosystems should be fully shielded from human and political influence,

Among the blockchain’s challenges is an ideological gap that the community has yet to bridge.


The practices of smart contracts are still in a younger state. But it indeed has a promising future. There has been solid proof of the successful application of the solution in various industries, like health care, insurance, retail, and so on. Now it is your turn.