Basic Healthy Eating Habits for Beginners

Eating the right food is one of the most important factors in maintaining good health. We all know that junk food and processed snacks are bad for us, but there are many misconceptions about what foods we should be eating and in what quantities.

Many people believe that they are eating a healthy diet but in actual fact are deficient in some key areas and are consuming far too much of other things which can be detrimental to their health. A balanced diet is all about identifying the right foods and working out how much you need of each to optimize their impact on your body.

To clear up the misunderstandings and help people to make the right food choices, this article is a guide to basic healthy eating habits for beginners.

1.   Eat Organic Meat

Meat is a key component of a healthy diet because it is the main source of protein for most people. Protein is vital for building and maintaining muscle and cell growth, and whilst vegetarians and vegans need to eat lots of protein substitutes, meat-eaters can fulfill their protein needs with a relatively small amount of quality meat. Organic meat has many advantages over non-organic meat and so should always be the choice in a healthy diet.

The experts at this stockist explain that organic meat has a significantly higher nutritional value than non-organic meat as the animals have lived a healthier life. Furthermore, organic meat has far lower fat content than processed meat as well as a higher level of CLA. These two things help us to maintain a healthy weight, lose fat, and avoid obesity-related diseases like type 2 diabetes.

2.   Eat Lots of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are so important when it comes to staying healthy. They are the number one source of vital vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to function effectively. So many people fail to eat enough vegetables, particularly leafy, green vegetables which provide us with antioxidants and iron, which are necessary for the health of our blood. One of the most important vitamins is vitamin C as this keeps our immune system working properly, which enables us to fight off diseases and not get sick.

Vitamin C is found in abundance in citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and limes. Vitamin C is so important that sailors in the past used to take thousands of limes with them on long voyages so that they didn’t develop scurvy (a potentially lethal disease which develops when a person has a vitamin C deficiency).

3.   Eat Unprocessed Carbohydrates

Food trends and advice have changed in recent years and the old food pyramids of the past, which recommended the bulk of our diets were made up of bread and other carbohydrates, which is now widely considered to be inaccurate. In fact, many people follow diets that are free of carbs altogether.

In truth, as long as you eat the right kinds of carbohydrates, they are a very important part of a healthy diet as they provide your body with all the energy it needs. The important thing is to avoid processed carbs like white bread and instead eat wholemeal bread and pasta. This will give you all of the energy that you require without excess salt or calories.

4.   Eat Dairy Products in Moderation

As with carbohydrates, many modern diets eliminate dairy consumption. This is due to both concerns over the way the dairy industry treats animals, and with the effects that dairy has on our bodies. One of the main issues with dairy is that it can have a very high fat content. Unskimmed milk, cheese, and yogurt can be very high in fat and can contribute to obesity and its related diseases. However, there are some major benefits of eating dairy food.

Most significantly, dairy is a great source of calcium, which is vital for keeping our bones and teeth healthy. Just make sure that you eat dairy food in moderation and that you eat the reduced-fat versions and you will get all the benefits with none of the downsides.

Eating the right food is so important for maintaining a healthy body, but there is so much conflicting dietary advice out there that it can be difficult to know what is true and what is just a fad. Make sure that you eat organic food whenever possible as this will contain no dangerous chemicals and will also have the highest possible nutritional value. The trick to eating healthy is to eat everything in moderation and to stick to unprocessed foods.