Recipe: Roasted Beetroot, Feta & Fig Salad by Ioannis Grammenos, Executive Chef at Heliot Steak House

Ingredients for one portion:

4 large beetroot (red, yellow, white, golden)

Extra-virgin olive oil

Coarse salt

2 sprigs of thyme

10g chives, chopped

5 green beans

20g feta cheese

Salt & pepper

Dressing for 4 portions:

200g dry figs

500g port wine

3 pieces of star anise

3 cardamom pods

50g olive oil

20g chardonnay vinegar


  • Preheat the oven to 180°C. Top and tail the beetroot, leaving the skins on. Toss in a roasting pan with a little olive oil, the thyme sprig and salt, and roast whole for one hour, or until cooked (this depends on the size of beetroot).

• Allow the beetroot to cool a little, then cut it to different shapes and sizes. Place on a big, round plate and add the halved green beans, the quartered figs, the dressing and a sprinkling of feta cheese.

• In a medium pan, add the port wine, the quartered figs and the spices. Bring to the boil on a medium heat, until reduced by half. Remove half of the figs for the salad and blend the rest with the olive oil and the vinegar until smooth.