These 4 Ways Can Reduce Blue Light Hazards In The Workplace

When it comes to blue light hazards in the workplace, there are ways to ensure that your employees aren’t over-exposed and getting hurt. As we know, computer screens emit a fair amount of blue light and some studies estimate that 2/3 of adults in the US look at a screen 16 hours each day.

Blue light exposure is known to cause eye strain and fatigue that can lead to headaches, blurred vision, difficulty concentrating, and even neck pain. Long-term exposure may be linked to macular degeneration which leads to blindness in extreme cases. While exposure poses the biggest problem at the computer screen, blue light is also emitted from many office lighting systems. Here are 4 ways to effectively reduce blue light hazards

Use LED Lighting

LED lighting Full-Spectrum Bulbs is more energy-efficient than traditional fluorescent lamps as it is designed to mimic natural sunlight. This means that they emit lower amounts of blue light which can cause damage to the eye. Fluorescent lighting emits more harmful UV light, but it also contains high levels of blue light that can affect concentration levels.

Replace existing fluorescents with full-spectrum LED bulbs for office lighting, task lights, reading lamps, etc. Another benefit that comes with  LED lighting is the long lifespan of around 50,000 hours. You won’t need to worry about changing or replacing lamps very often which will save you money in the long run. This is especially beneficial if you have difficult-to-reach lamps that may require a ladder or expensive special tools.

Additionally, you can opt-out to use adjustable LED lighting. This means you may lower lightning levels remotely by computer, smartphone, or other device thanks to smart controls. This gives you the power to reduce blue light hazards regardless of your employees’ locations in the building. With dimmers installed, workers can decrease brightness levels for certain times of the day based on their own needs.

Use Blocking Glasses

Wearing glasses that block blue light is very effective in reducing exposure. There are glasses specifically designed for this purpose and can be worn during work hours to reduce exposure while still allowing people to see clearly. As seen on, employees will still be able to see the computer screen while wearing glasses like these. They are comfortable to wear and don’t have a tinted effect so they won’t interfere with your employees’ work.

For those who already have glasses, you can buy blue light filters that snap on the lens. These are inexpensive and convenient as they can be worn at all times or used for specific activities like viewing screens or reading. They attach directly over an existing lens without any special tools which also makes them easy to remove.

Use blue light blocking software

The installation of blue light blocking software on every computer is another effective way of reducing exposure to blue light hazards in the workplace. This option is usually less expensive than installing new LED lighting, especially if you use multiple computers throughout the building. Installation only takes a few minutes and you don’t need to worry about any special tools or hardware.

Your employees may find it beneficial as they can control the amount of blue light they receive on the computer screen. They will be able to adjust all settings remotely with just a few clicks using their username and password, which makes these programs very easy to use. There are also anti-reflective and eye strain reduction features that can be activated based on your preferences.

Replace older fluorescent lighting fixtures

If you currently own an office, replacing the lighting fixtures is one of the most effective ways to reduce blue light hazards. Fluorescent lamps are cheaper than LED equivalents, but they also contain high levels of harmful UV light which can cause serious damage to the eyes in large exposures over time.

Switch out older fluorescent bulbs with full-spectrum LED lights for office lighting, task lights, reading lamps, and other fluorescent fixtures in your workplace. Save energy while improving lighting quality by installing dimmable switches so workers can adjust their brightness at any time. The reduced exposure to UV rays will help lower eye strain and improve overall health in the long run.

If you have younger employees whose eyes may not be fully developed yet, it is important to take certain precautions at work during this critical time in their development. It is recommended for people under 30 to stay away from screens for prolonged periods each day, especially while working long hours.

Reducing blue light hazards in the workplace is easy, affordable, and effective. Even though LED lights are more expensive to purchase initially, they save you money over time because they use less energy while lasting longer. To ensure your employees are as comfortable as possible when it comes to working with computers and other devices, be sure to follow these tips on reducing blue light hazards.


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