Top Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Scars

No one likes scars. They can be a reminder of a past injury or surgery. They can be unsightly and make you feel self-conscious. But there are things you can do to help minimize the appearance of scars and make them less noticeable.

Here are some of the top effective ways to get rid of scars:

1. Try surgical treatments

Surgery can be very effective in getting rid of scars and there are different types of treatments that can be used for surgically removing a scar and having normal-looking skin again. Your doctor will be able to advise you on the best type of surgery for your particular case. If your scar is severe or doesn’t respond to other treatments, you may want to consider surgical options. These include the following:

  • Dermabrasion: 

This treatment uses a rotating brush to sand down the top layer of skin, which can help to improve the appearance of scars that are raised or have rough textures.

  • Laser resurfacing: 

This treatment uses a laser to remove the top layer of skin, which can help to improve the appearance of scars that are raised or have rough textures.

  • Scar revision surgery: 

This surgery involves removing the scar and replacing it with skin from another area of your body. It’s usually only an option for people who have significant scars that don’t respond to other treatments.

2. Talk to your doctor about corticosteroid injections

Corticosteroid injection is a common method used to treat scars that are hypertrophic or keloid. A corticosteroid injection helps to flatten the scar and improve its appearance. It is usually done every four to eight weeks, and the results can be seen after several treatments. They can help to reduce the size, redness, and itching associated with these types of scars. However, this treatment needs to be consulted with a doctor to avoid or mitigate side effects like infections, allergic reactions, thinning of the skin, easy bruising, changes in skin color, and others.

3. Try platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy

 PRP therapy is a newer treatment that’s being used to improve the appearance of scars. It involves taking a small sample of your blood and then spinning it in a centrifuge to separate the platelets from the other blood cells. The platelets are then injected into the scar tissue.

PRP therapy is thought to help improve the appearance of scars by increasing collagen production and helping the skin to heal.

4. Consider stem cell therapy

Stem cell therapy is another newer treatment that’s being used to improve the appearance of scars. It involves taking stem cells from another area of your body, such as your bone marrow, and then injecting them into the scar tissue.

Stem cell therapy is thought to help improve the appearance of scars by increasing collagen production and helping the skin to heal.

5. Use home remedies

There are a number of home remedies that people claim can help reduce the appearance of scars. These include using cocoa butter, aloe vera, lemon juice, and vitamin E. However, there is little scientific evidence to support these claims. Nevertheless, there are several home remedies that can help improve the appearance of your scar, including:

  • Massaging the area: 

This can help to break up the scar tissue and make it less visible. It also improves blood circulation around the scar area, which helps even the skin tone.

  • Applying raw honey: 

Honey has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to speed up healing and reduce the appearance of scars.

  • Using vitamin C: 

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can help to build collagen and improve the appearance of scars. You can apply it topically or take it orally in supplement form.

6. Try over-the-counter (OTC) creams

These creams help to heal scars by keeping the area moisturized. This is important because it helps to prevent the formation of new scar tissue. Additionally, these creams can help to reduce the appearance of existing scars. There are a variety of OTC creams that are effective for treating scars.

Some popular options include:

  •  Silicone gel sheeting
  •  Mederma 
  •  ScarGuard 
  •  Vitamin E cream 
  •  Cocoa butter 

 You may need to experiment with a few different types of cream before you find one that works well for you. Be sure to follow the instructions on the packaging carefully. You should also talk to your doctor before using any OTC scar treatment, as some of these products can cause side effects.

7. Use pressure garments

 Pressure garments are often recommended for people who have recently had surgery or a skin injury that has caused a scar. They apply gentle, constant pressure to the area and can help to flatten and soften the scar. Pressure garments are usually made from spandex or nylon and are available in different sizes.

There are several effective treatments that can help improve the appearance of scars. Talk to your doctor about which option may be best for you. And be patient, as it can take time for a scar to fully heal.