Outdoor Wedding Planning Tips: Expert Guide

Are you planning an outdoor wedding? You’ve chosen the natural charm of the great outdoors for your special day. With the beauty of nature comes its unpredictability. In this article, we cover essential tips and tricks to make your outdoor wedding a stunning success. Here are 13 outdoor wedding planning tips, including considerations for hiring a Wedding Videographer.

Outdoor Wedding Planning Tips

  1. Consider the Season

The season you choose significantly impacts an outdoor wedding. Each season presents its own charm and challenges. Spring offers blooming flowers and mild weather, but there’s a risk of rain. Summer brings warmth and longer daylight hours, but it can be hot. 

Fall boasts beautiful foliage but might be chilly. Winter can be picturesque but may be very cold. Consider the weather patterns and temperatures to plan accordingly.

  1. Choose Your Location

Here are some locations your guests will find amazing

The Beach

Opting for a beach wedding creates a serene and picturesque setting. The soothing sounds of waves and the vast expanse of the ocean create a stunning backdrop. However, take into account windy conditions and tides that might affect setup.

The Backyard

Hosting your wedding in a backyard is intimate and convenient. It offers a sense of familiarity and comfort. However, ensure there’s enough space for guests, catering, and other arrangements. Consider accessibility and whether the space will comfortably accommodate your guests.

A Winery

Wineries offer a romantic and elegant setting with breathtaking vineyard views. They often provide an exquisite backdrop for ceremonies and receptions. Yet, ensure the availability of amenities for guests and a suitable backup plan in case of unexpected weather changes.

  1. Stick to a Budget

An outdoor wedding might seem cost-effective, but expenses can add up quickly. Consider costs for essentials like the wedding ring, dress, venue, and more. The wedding ring symbolizes your eternal commitment, so it’s essential to find a design that suits your style. 

To stay within your budget, visit different online stores to learn about their wedding bands and their prices. The wedding gown and suit is another significant highlight that can be expensive. However, exploring various options, including off-the-rack or second-hand dresses, can be budget-friendly.

While outdoor venues might seem less expensive, factor in extra costs for amenities like tents, seating, lighting, and dance floors. These expenses, alongside catering and decor, can accumulate rapidly. Create a detailed budget and prioritize elements that matter most to you. This will help you allocate funds wisely.

  1. Have a Plan B

Despite meticulous planning, the weather can be unpredictable. Therefore, having a backup plan is crucial. If your ideal location is outdoors, ensure there’s an indoor alternative available in case of inclement weather. This backup plan will provide peace of mind and ensure your special day goes smoothly, regardless of the weather.

  1. Choose Safe Lighting Techniques

Lighting is crucial for both ambiance and safety at an outdoor wedding. Opt for safe lighting techniques to ensure your guests can navigate the venue without any hazards. 

String lights, lanterns, and pathway lighting can create a magical atmosphere while preventing accidents. Ensure that all pathways, steps, and potential tripping hazards are well-lit. Avoid open flames and opt for LED candles or other flameless options to reduce fire risks.

  1. Consider the Seating Arrangement

When arranging seating for an outdoor wedding, consider both comfort and visibility. Ensure that seating is positioned to provide guests with the best view of the ceremony without obstruction. 

Also, consider the comfort of your guests by providing appropriate seating options, especially if the ground might be uneven. Consider providing cushions or blankets for added comfort if the weather turns cooler.

  1. Arrange Transportation or Parking

For outdoor venues, transportation or parking logistics need careful consideration. Ensure that there’s ample parking or organize shuttles to transport guests from designated areas to the venue. 

Inform guests of parking arrangements or provide them with clear instructions to avoid confusion on the day of the event. If the venue is in a remote area, consider providing a map or clear directions to ensure guests arrive without hassle.

  1. Hire the Right Vendors for Outdoor Setup

Select vendors experienced in outdoor setups. From outdoor caterers who understand the unique challenges of outdoor food service to decorators who can work with the elements, choosing the right vendors is crucial. 

Discuss arrangements for inclement weather and ensure they have the necessary equipment or strategies to adapt to changing conditions. Furthermore, make sure they are familiar with the chosen location, allowing them to plan and execute their services effectively.

Photographers and videographers also play a significant role in capturing your outdoor celebration. It’s vital to select professionals with experience in outdoor settings. They should be skilled in using natural light to their advantage and capable of adapting to varying weather conditions.

  1. Plan for Restrooms and Facilities

Providing adequate restroom facilities is essential for the comfort of your guests. If the outdoor venue doesn’t have sufficient facilities, consider renting portable restrooms. Ensure these restrooms are placed conveniently, discreetly, and well-lit for easy access. Additionally, consider the accessibility of facilities for guests with mobility challenges.

Apart from restrooms, consider other necessary facilities such as a designated space for changing attire or a quiet room for children or older guests who might need a break from the festivities.

  1. Keep Décor Minimal

While it’s tempting to go all out with decorations for an outdoor wedding, sometimes less is more. Embrace the natural beauty of the surroundings. Minimalistic décor can enhance rather than overpower the natural backdrop. 

Consider using floral arrangements, simple yet elegant centerpieces, or accents that complement the outdoor setting. This not only reduces costs but also creates a more harmonious environment.

  1. Keep Guests Comfortable

Guest comfort should be a priority. If your wedding is during warmer months, provide hand-held fans, parasols, or a shaded area to shield guests from the sun. For cooler weather, consider providing blankets or outdoor heaters to keep guests warm. Clear signage or ushers directing guests can prevent confusion and ensure a smooth flow of events.

  1. Keep Guests Hydrated

Hydration is important especially during outdoor events. Ensure that water stations are readily available for guests to stay refreshed throughout the ceremony and reception. Consider serving beverages that are both refreshing and seasonally appropriate. Offer non-alcoholic options, especially in warmer weather, to keep everyone hydrated.

  1. Apply for Necessary Permits

Outdoor venues often require permits for hosting events. Be sure to obtain all necessary permits and permissions from local authorities well in advance. Check with the venue and local government to understand any restrictions or requirements. This may include permits for alcohol service, music, fire regulations, or environmental considerations. Being compliant with local regulations will avoid any issues on your special day.

Pros of Outdoor Wedding

Outdoor weddings offer numerous advantages that contribute to a unique and beautiful celebration. The natural beauty of the surroundings provides a picturesque backdrop for your special day. 

The open space allows for more creativity in décor, offering a canvas to personalize and create a one-of-a-kind atmosphere. The ambiance of the outdoors, whether it’s a beach, garden, or vineyard, often creates a more relaxed and intimate setting, perfect for a memorable celebration. 

Furthermore, outdoor weddings generally allow for more space, accommodating larger guest lists without feeling cramped, providing an open and airy environment for everyone to enjoy.

Cons of Outdoor Wedding

Despite their charm, outdoor weddings come with their set of challenges. Weather unpredictability is a significant concern. Rain, wind, extreme temperatures, or unexpected weather changes can impact the event. 

This uncertainty requires a solid contingency plan, potentially increasing stress and planning complexity. Insects and wildlife can also be a nuisance. These outdoor elements might disrupt the celebration if not appropriately managed. 

Also, outdoor venues may lack certain amenities present in traditional indoor settings, necessitating additional rentals and accommodations, potentially adding to the overall cost of the event.


Planning an outdoor wedding presents a lot of opportunities and challenges, ensuring an enchanting yet somewhat unpredictable experience. The beauty of a natural setting, be it a beach, a vineyard, or a backyard, offers a unique backdrop that elevates the wedding’s ambiance and intimacy. 

The spacious and open environment provides an extensive canvas for creative decor and allows for a more relaxed atmosphere, perfect for larger guest lists. However, this choice comes with uncertainties, primarily weather-related, demanding a comprehensive backup plan to counter sudden changes. 

Additional challenges like managing insects and the need for supplemental amenities might add complexity and cost. Regardless, outdoor weddings bring forth a distinctive charm and a chance to create unforgettable memories with nature’s splendor. Careful planning and considerations for both the benefits and challenges can ensure a truly magical celebration.