Recipe: Tropical Green Smoothie

A super healthy and delicious tropical trooper, try this tasty take on the ‘green smoothie’

Tropical Green Smoothie

(Serves 2)


4/5 large leaves of kale

4 large leaves of spinach /  3 large handfuls of baby spinach

6 Strawberries

A large handful of blueberries

1 Tablespoon chia seeds

1 Banana

1 medium mango

330ml Coconut water

Optional: An extra sprinkle of chia seeds for garnish

Tropical Green Smoothie



1. Whizz all ingredients together using a blender. Add more of less of each ingredient according to taste

2. Pour in to a glass, garnish with a sprinkle of chia seeds


Recipe by Mica Francis-Angel

Visit Mica Francis- Angels’ blog:

Visit Mica Francis-Angels’  Instagram: @iwaspromiseddonuts


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